

Hi! I’m Kristen, curator of this little bookish blog. I’m glad you are here and I hope you enjoy your visit. Please feel free to poke around and comment. I love discussion!

About me – I’m a medievalist by study, a geek by nature, and a hopeful bestselling author waiting to be discovered. My goal in life is to retire before I’m too old to enjoy traveling, and my ultimate plan is to buy a small home in London and somewhere else in Europe and bounce between the two; then I would never have to come back to the US. I adore medieval holy women, even though I’m an atheist. I just think they’re fascinating. My favorites are Hildegard of Bingen, Julian of Norwich, and Margery Kempe.

As for my geek nature, all things revolve around Star Trek in my world. My first fanfiction was Trek. My first ‘ship was P/C. I even got accepted as one of the contributors to the Strange New Worlds 2016 (Star Trek) anthology! I also wrote an article about Star Trek: Discovery, mostly because I have a huge crush on Jason Isaacs. If you want, you can read it here: This Is Why Starfleet Needs Gabriel Lorca

I wrote my first book, a nonfiction about, well, The Two Isabellas of King John, published by Pen & Sword. Next will be a fiction novel. I love the writing process but have learned that I have more fun when I get to make things up.

I was reared on sci-fi/fantasy, so all other SFF fandoms are fair game as well. Firefly, Dr. Who, The X-Files, Battlestar Galactica, anything similar are beloved and food for discussion in my house.

I’m a single mom by choice and my daughter is amazing. She is the joy of my life. She has always read well above her grade level. She loves sci-fi, too, and she dances hard to Emilie Autumn. I think I’m doing something right.

In my professional life, I work in central administration at University of Phoenix. I also teach for them, mostly fairy tales and folklore, and literature of the fantastic (AKA, Sci-fi/fantasy), with the occasional Shakespeare class thrown in for good measure. I write weird stories and submit them wherever I can, often under a pseudonym.

For my own reviews, my star rating is thus:

1 star = I absolutely hated it for some reason which I always explain in my review.

2 star = I didn’t hate it but it was a solid meh for me at best.

3 star = I liked it or found it interesting/informative; I may not have found it to be a page turner, but I did want to finish it and see what happens. The majority of my reviews are 3 stars, and it is not a bad rating in my world.

4 star = I loved it and/or found it impossible to put down.

5 star = I fucking loved it AND it created some kind of emotional response in me in one way or another. I will likely proselytize to anyone within range about a book I rate as 5-stars. Very few books I read get a 5 star rating.

Sometimes I do the Twitter and Instagram things, too.

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